1.0 Background of the Study
Everyday you hear it on the news you read it from the
newspapers and in most cases you over hear people talk about it.
the age of change for any single individual or group academics
and even educational institution to be relevant in the millennium
global market knowledge of information technology is imperative
that is through the use of computers because we live in an
information daily in which the efficiency for the production of
wealth relies on computerized information technology as well as its
Computer as a tool which engenders expertise has drastically
reduced the world to a global village and promise to grow even
smaller. And with amazing incursion computerized information
technology and its communication is playing in our lives daily
experience has shown that computers are being applied on
virtually every field of human endeavour from finance to defence
education to politics banking to health military to communication
and which the topic “A WEB SITE DESIGN” falls among many
others. It is the means of using computer systems design or
layout pages as a storefront or location on the internet for
promotion of products to create awareness. It consist of creating
Home pages and its associated pages graphics; documents
multimedia and other files which are stored on a web server or on
a computers hard drive that is connected to the worldwide web to
create awareness of a particular product in this case a school.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
From the preliminary analysis carried out on the existing manual
system the following are some of the problems encountered:
a) Limited Publicity: Adequate information and knowledge
about the school is hardly passed across to the public as
only local advert placements on admission vacancies are
carried out on print and sometimes on electronic media and
not on a computerized media (computer) through the use of
b) Misplacement and/or Loss of Forms: Because students’
admission forms are in the form of papers the incidents of
misplacement and loss of individual forms cannot be ruled
out. This mostly occurs on transit when these forms are
taken from one office to the other for administrative
c) Paper Bottlenecks: This may arise as processing activities
is carried out on student’s application and/or registration
forms. The problem of redundancy and duplication is a
common occurrence because of the usage of paper forms for
the purpose of students’ record keeping.
d) Time Wastage: The retrieval of an individual file for the
purpose of up-dating or file maintenance is not an easy task
as all the files relating to students will have to be sorted as
they are arranged one after the other until the desired file is
located and this is prone to time wastage.
e) Security: This is the fundamental importance as valuable
information about the organization or student should be
properly handled and used only for the purpose for which it
is originally intended. But for the fact that the information
are filed in a paper and stored in a file cabinets makes it
even more easier for unauthorized people to tamper with it.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The main objective of this project is to find solution to the
problems associated with the existing manual method which has
been the only means of publicity.
However with the implementation of the new system more
effective and efficient computerized means will be developed
which is a web page design of the institution that can be posted
online and will enable students from various location seeking
admission into the school accesses on-line the various courses
offered requirements needed duration of study as well as
applying for admission. The principal objectives includes:
i) To design a computerized system which optimize the rate at
which information about the school will be sent through the
internet to virtually every nook corner and cranny of the
ii) To design a centralized database record keeping system in
order to guard against illegal access to the system.
iii) To design a flexible efficient and reliable system that is
capable of providing the management with accurate reliable
and timely information.
iv) To design a system capable of generating prompt and timely
reports on request.
Historical Background of Kaduna Polytechnic
Demonstration Secondary School Kaduna
Kaduna Polytechnic Demonstration Secondary School is the
product of the successful culmination of 15 years ago struggled by
the Kaduna Polytechnic Community. The need for a secondary
school to fill the gap in the educational cycle which has been
existing since the establishment of the Kaduna Polytechnic staff
school. In fact the PTA of the staff school was the spear-head in
the struggle for the creation of the secondary school. The
secondary school dream was actualized during the leadership of
Dr. Nura Yakubu who was then the Rector of the Polytechnic on
Monday 17th November 1997. Then it was handed to Mrs. M. A.
Mahmoud as the first acting Principal of the school supported by a
team of nine (9) teaching staff. The school took off at its
temporary site comprising of 3 blocks of classes the Princiapl
officen and staff room all located at the staff school premises with
the population of students at 112 students.
Administrative Setup of the School
School administration entails overall responsibility for coordinating
resources (human and materials from within and outside the
school) for the advancement of optimum result. Administrators
are therefore given mandate to approve educational policies by
adhering to educational curriculums. The head of the
demonstration secondary school is the Principal. The
appointments of the schools principals were all done based on
qualification experience and competence. The Principal is
expected to be a planner organizer manager of resources director
and coordination of all the activities in the school.
Leadership of the School 1997-2007
Kaduna Polytechnic Demonstration Secondary School had
experienced the service of three Principal from 1997-2011.
The first was Mrs. Maimunatu A. Mahmood a Senior lecturer
deployed from the defunct Liberal Studies Department Kaduna
Polytechnic. She acted as the first school’s Principal from
The second school Principal was Malam Musa Bado Gumel. He
was deployed from the department of education technical Kaduna
Polytechnic. He was the first substantive Principal of the school
that served for a period of two years from 2002-2004.
The second substantive principal and the third the leadership
series was Mrs. Asmau Abdulkadir. She was also deployed from
Department of Education Technical Kaduna Polytechnic.
She served for a period of three years from 2004 – 2007. She
resigned voluntarily partly due to her new appointment as the
Special Assistant (S.A.) to her Excellency the wife of the President
and Commander in chief of the armed forces Higirya Torai.
The School’s Clubs and Societies
Club and societies are part and parcel of academic activities in our
institutions of learning throughout the country. Demonstration
Secondary is not exceptional in ensuring that clubs and societies
are functioning at least once in a month.
However the existing club and societies in Kaduna Polytechnic
Demonstration Secondary School included Jet club Press club
Hausa dramatic society Literacy and Debating society Geography
clubs Young farmers Mathematics and Computer and Red cross
society. The Patrons of the above mentioned clubs coordinates
and control the clubs. The management of the school had set as
its last Thursday of every month for clubs and societies usually
conducted after short break.
Sporting Activities in the School
Sporting activities is also part and parcel of the school’s activities.
Students on daily basis either during breakfast or short break were
engaging in different sporting activities such as football
basketball table tennis etc. within the stipulated time. Football
matches were sometimes organized either among arms or
between the school and another school.
In addition the school game master organize inter-house
competition in previous years. The school inter-house competition
is usually taking place in April of every session. Houses competed
in the school included the Yellow house Green house Blue house
and Red house. Although two more houses were added in 2007 in
the school they are Pink house and Brown house.
The 1st inter-house competition was held in 1999.
Yellow house came 1st Blue 2nd Red 3rd and Green came 4th. A trophy was
awarded to the winning house. In year 2000 and 2001 there was
no inter house competition.
In 2002 there was a good inter house sport competition as held in
May 2002. In the competition Yellow house came first Red house came 2nd Blue house came 3rd while the Green house came fourth.
Demonstration Secondary School recorded excellent performance
both in the field of sport as indicated above and academics
activities. Therefore it only needs to be encouraged sporting
environment and facilities should be more provided to enable
houses competes comfortably within and away.
Events/Competitions Won by the School
The school had participated in various academic competitions
either organized by the school itself or invited by other schools
In view of the above some academic awards won by the school
i. National Science & Technology Forum. Kaduna Polytechnic
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
higher national diploma (hnd)
Additionnal content
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